Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Few Things....

It's been awhile (again) since I've updated my I'm going dot-point mode:

- I'm still taking my ujian paket c (this ujian kesetaraan thingy so that I can have a national certificate of SMA completion aside from IB Diploma (Results in 11 days!!11!)) and tomorrow is MATEMATIKA....Pak Purba's wisdom be upon me.

- I've been thinking about the topic of love when fellow blogger fortywords mentioned the point that I'm contemplating myself if I should continue to love her,or if it can be dangerous if I do so in the long term...I may be lucky I'm in love with my best friend , but it ma not be for the better of both of us...

- PSX games yet to be played: Rival Schools series, skullmonkeys, Abe's odyssey and exodus (DANG I haven't finished BOTH of them yet!)

- I wanna try photography with lomo camera~ AND I want (read:need) a new lens....but what mm, I wonder?

-I have not organized my bookshelves OR my digital files...yes, blame me and my laziness

-Tanggal 1 Juli gua pendaftaran ulang buat UI, I wonder when is orientation time....

After 1st of July I'll be in frictional unemployment mode.....what should I do till then?

"Tooi Machikado" - ROUND TABLE

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