anywas, Monday was quite a unique highlight as us seniors as a grade played a 'farewell' prank to the juniors....jadi kami ngumpul di koridor lantai 3 yang ada komputer labnya....terus kami semua bikin baris di sisi2 koridor...dan siapapun adik kelas yang lewatin baris kita bakalan di sambut kayak superstar (tepuk tangan, di foto, dikerumunin, disorakin, etc.)...karena kasian kita cuma kerjain adik kelas cowok, tapi ada juga satu-dua adik kelas cewek yang dikerjain... terus lama mereka jadi takut lewatin koridor tersebut....masih ada sih yang berani, tapi tetep aja pada akhirnya jadi kapok, LOL. klimaksnya waktu mr chris yang lewat, sorak +tepuktangan + kerumuninnya paling hebat, sampe mr chris (sumpah mati) sampe bikin muka XD yg jarang bgt kliatan...pokonya seru deh, sayang gua ga bisa dapet best angle soalnya gua agak telat dateng...hahahaha
Tuesday, which was practically our last day, was fun. not great fun, but good fun. our last prank (?) is that boys'll be wearing colorful ties and girls colorful ties +fancy socks....which sounds normal to me but a few, if not some adik kelas are making these faces at us...hohohohoho. anyways, we had special luncheon, in which the teachers prayed for us and we attempted to sing our graduation song, which is from the musical "Wicked!", but right now I forgot the title of the song so I'll tell you if I remember. terus ada the last round of interhouse badminton tournament, which in the end merapi collectively WON! ALRIIIIIGHT. With the ending of the tourament also rings the last school bell I'll ever hear for a long time.....
and then rabu sampe minggu libur. well, not libur sih, I'm studying studyin studying. and I haven't even finished revising math. OH TIDAK T__T
oh, and to fortyword's request the next blog posts will feature my novel I did for my personal projec, The Unspoken Truth! It might sound crappy at first (well maybe it actually is), but do havea read! until then, totaloo!
(The Epic of Zektbach ~Ristaccia~)
1 comment:
gila pranknya. dasar KKK pada gokil.
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