Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Next Day

Halo halo, gua niatnya mulai abis makan tapi gua nonton DVD asli bajakan WANTED ama Cloverfield. Dua2nya oke punya, yang satu keren abis yang satunya lagi bikin ngeri. Hari ini gua ga bakalan emana2 jadi doain ya supaya gua ada dorongan hawa nafsu semangat biar bisa kerjain pr seikhlas2nya....

Sebelumnya gua mengucapkan selamat hari raya idul fitri buat bang Bena dan pacarnya si Bey, yang telah melepaskan kejombloannya beberapa hari yang lalu. MANA GILIRANKUUUU!?!?!? Anyways selamat yak, semoga awet dan lancar, amin.

OK, hari ini gua mau ngomong tentang...
(Warning: gua akan campur2 between Indo and English, so yang ga bisa Inggris, sukurin minta orang terjemahin ato apa gih. MWAHA)


"Dear Diary, hari ini gua pergi untuk kembali"

Berhubung otak gua terlalu banyak informasi sehingga kalo divisualisasikan udah kayak kapa Titanic ancur, mau g mau harus ditulis supaya ga lupa. Daripada bilang agenda (yang bikin gua enek soalnya tiap taun gua dapet agenda gratis skul punya yang promosi abis2an, hoek), mending bilang notebook mingguan aja de, lebih ga kecium bau sekolahnya...wekekek.

Yang ini spesial punya karena ini notebook yang Yukiko (best pren gua, nama disamarkan) kasih ke gua waktu suit sepentin tepat 2 minggu yang lalu. Gua memang jadi rajin makenya soalnya kalo dipegang empuk2 enak gimana gitu (awas pikiran haram) en kertasnya juga enak dimakan dicium (dasar kutu buku).

Tidak ada hal gila dan autis yang tak tercatat. Berikut sebuah kejadian yang berhasil dicatat:

Senin, 11 Agustus
Hari ini, memang beda. Biasanya tradisi angkatan gua itu kalo ada yang ultah, hari itu juga (kalo libur, berarti hari sekolah berikutnya) bawa kue. Nah, kasus gua beda, karena yang dibawa bukan kue blackforest maupun strawberry chees cake atau juga tiramisu cake, tapi MARTABAK. Yap, martabak keju dan coklat yang kalo dipotong tebelnya 6 senti (!), pas buat mengawali hari2 yang pahit dengan yang manis (kayak muka gua). Ga ada 20 menit sudah habis iserbu satu kelas (meskipun cuma ada 12 kelas buat homeroom. rakus juga yak....)

Selasa, 19 Agustus
gua makan martabak manis coklat (bukan yang sama kaya tadi) 3 biji. Walhasil, waktu kelas business gua jadi tertawa ga karuan, melontarkan sepatah dua kata yang sarkastik dan garing segaring2nya. Pada klimaksnya, gua memutuskan begitu bel akhir pelajaran berbunyi, gua kayang di atas meja yang kosong. And, ladies and gentleman, I did. YEAH! another autistic act scored! (take THAT, Sandy!)

Yaa karena umurnya baru 2 minggu, skian saja, ntar gua kabarin lagi kalo notebooknya sudah tua.


Yap, gua juga gila potret, makanya pada suatu hari gua dibeliin merek CANON EOS 400D. Kecil, nyaman en kualitas oke punya. Semenjak saat itu tingkat narsisme mulai meningkat dengan tajam dan menghawatirkan. Setiap ada temen yang ulang tahun, tugas langsung memanggil untuk beraksi, diantara lain:

Pic no 2: Tebak gua dimana hayo.....

Yak, saat itulah selera fotografi gua mulai meningkat (cieilah) dan makin banyak kenangan bisa disimpan.


OH YESSSSSS akhirnya gua berhasil mendapat sebuah table PC, sesuai impian gua!(T__Tv). bisa touch screen, 2 GB RAM, 150 GB HDD, processor 1.67 Hz, webcam imut pulak. tambah lagi kenarsisan gua. tambah sombong juga, jadi tambah perlu dijitakin kalo mulai norak. pokoknya muai sekarang, makin enak dibawa2 buat nyatet di lapangan ato iseng gambar ato narsisan jika tak ada kamera. makin gokil jadinya.

So, that's all for today, I guess. I completely forgot tht I have to spare some few paragraphs written in English, so here's the paragraph I promised :P. And it's a short one at that, cos I have nothing more to say. See ya!

Friday, August 22, 2008

A secret!!!

The mark of an eternal jomblo.

New looks, new blablablas.

Waduh gilak gua ga pernah update blog teratur akhir-akhir ini ya, mungkin gara2 IB menyedot kesenangan jiwa mudaku dengan PR dan PR lagi dan PR lagi dan PR lagi dan PR lagi……(when will this end? T___T) So, sebagai balasan gua udah lama ga ngeblog, I'll let y'all peek a little bit of this…..


"Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!"

Yeah , you might've heard about this when you were all little itty bitty babies or even still nonexistent, but this little movie here is going to be dramatized by my school! Before the school got bombed Grade 11 ended, the Performing Arts department issued auditions for this play. So I took my chances and hoped that I get a part as a tree or a rock something significant. So, armed with above average vocal ability enough to send people to the hospital and some shreds of confidence I auditioned...for the Wizard of Oz himself.

And I succeeded. Not that I'm gonna wear some sorta funky looking pointy hat with a gaudy wizard robe...heck, I don't even have the slightest idea what my costume's gonna be. But oh well, at any rate, I look sexy as a wizard anytime. MWAHA. The real show's not due till net year though, so lounge around and wait for more updates! I'm still at the very early stages of rehearsal sih....

S**t, I'm geting bored, I guess I'll have to wrap it up for today. Dilanjutin besok biar lebih semangat dan lebih autis keren....

Monday, August 11, 2008

I hate delaying myself.

You guessed it, and I hate myself for this. I was determined to post an entry the day after my birthday, August 9, but I eventually made an asshole of myself and delaying it at a work night like this. So here we go.

August 9

Damn right it's my birthday. At exactly 12:00 my good friend Mikiko shouted happy birthday on MSN, along with Yukiko 12 minutes later (although I went offline before that time and read her message when I woke up). When I did wake up, my family said happy birthday (including my cousin who routinely stayed at my house on weekends), and the text messages came by, from my friends and from my cousins. I also checked Facebook, and there were happy birthday walls to me as well, all of which I replied them, short and sweet, saying thank you in a different language to each of them, the linguamaniac I am (hey, that's a new word right there).

A 6 P.M. we wen to the desired place to celebrate my 17th birthday, specifically at F Bar in e.X. On my way, I shockingly found out that Hayato and Mitsunobu were already at e.X. (but not at the venue) about an hour earlier, and they said they're playing some pool before the party. And on top of that I find Akemi to arrive here earlier as well because her mother insisted her so. Alas, I told her to wander off at Kinokuniya for a while until I arrive at the reastaurant.

When I did, I asked Hayato and Mitsunobu to come up and Akemi as well, and they both arrive not too long after. One by one they started coming, some of them with gifts, some of them offering handshakes and hugs, and so I ushered them to the tables.

A full list of who's invited, green is for who came, red is for who did not.

Naoki, Ara, Ryouichi, Mitsunobu, Yasuhiro, Masahiro, Tatsuo, Hatsu, Nagata, Tenjin, Kazuaki, Yukiko, Arisa, Mikiko, Sayaka, Miyuki, Hitomi, Rie, Akemi, Maria, Aiko, Yukie, Misaki, and Satsuki.

For those who came, I thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves, because if you do, then I will greatly enjoy myself as well. For those of you who can't or didn't come, 1) I appreciate your reasons why, and it's OK. 2) Too bad, no free food and drinks :P

The food was great despite how classy it looks, and everybody had fun, save for the chilling AC that made people order seconds (for free, of course. HA! :P). And oh, I got presents! Yukiko bought me this weekly agenda/notebook for me, made with fine quality paper that even smells nice (in its own way)....but I loved it less than I loved you (AS A FRIEND) for giving it to me, so thanks! And then Nagata gave me this set of paper stickies that were really interesting, and I love him for that too :P. And then (I think) Rie gave me a canister of photo frame edges that look really nostalgic, perfect for my values photos. And I think (again) Ara gave me some gift vouchers. Off to Kinokuniya I go! :D

I went home with a broad smile. I have great friends, I really do.